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Can I Get a Refund if I Cancel My Vueling Flight?

After cancellation of your Vueling flight if you want to recover your plane ticket money then for this you must notify Vueling Aerial regarding your canceled flight and request reimbursement. Otherwise, you will not be reimbursed by the company. The best method to request a refund from Vueling Airlines is to fill out the refund form so the steps are as follows:
Steps to complete the Vueling Airline refund form:- 

  • Search for the name Vueling in your browser. 
  • After that, the home page asks you to log in to add your last name and reference number. 
  • Then open your reservations by clicking on 'manage my reservations' 
  • When the list of your reservations with Vueling opens, click on the flight you canceled. 
  • And in the canceled flight settings choose the 'request refund' option. 
  • And when you see the refund form, fill it out correctly and carefully. 
  • Submit it and finally pay the cancellation fees. 
  • Finally, check your email sent by the company to see details like when and how you would be reimbursed to the company.

Why doesn't Vueling refund?

If the option to request a refund is not available to you, this means that Vueling Aerial will not refund your plane ticket. The cases where Vueling Aerial does not reimburse your plane ticket are:-

  1. When you have booked the Vueling flight through an official source then the company does not refund your plane ticket. To be reimbursed, you must book your Vueling flight through the company's official website or telephone number.
  2. When your Vueling airline flight was canceled after your flight check-in then you cannot send the refund request to the airline.
  3. The cancellations made by Vueling Air are even due to climate change. In this case, Vueling Aerial will not reimburse your plane ticket because it is not their fault.

Will Vueling Be Refunded?

If you want to be assured that Vueling Aerial will reimburse you or not. Because you don't want to pay fees for a flight you can't take. To find out about cases where you have the right to receive a full refund of your plane ticket canceled with Vueling Aerial, read the points below:-

  1. Flights that are canceled by you within 24 hours of booking your flight with Vueling Airline are fully refunded by the company.
  2. Customers with travel insurance can also receive a full refund of canceled flights from Vueling Airline. 
  3. Cancellation of Vueling flight due to medical reasons will also be fully refunded. 
  4. But in cases of urgent medicine, Vueling Aerial requests the documents to verify it as proof, and after that, you are reimbursed.

 Other terms and conditions of Vueling Airline concerning refund: There are other Refund policies of Vueling that you should keep in mind before requesting a refund from the airline.

  • If you forget to send the refund request within 24 hours of your flight cancellations, you will not be refunded at all. 
  • If you cancel your flight after 24 hours of booking then you must pay the cancellation fees. 
  • How soon you would be reimbursed by the company depends on the type of plane ticket you have and how you are reimbursed by the company.
  • For example, non-refundable plane tickets are refunded in credit by the company within 7 days of cancellation of your flight, etc.

 In short, getting your money back after the cancellation of your Vueling flight is quite easy, but not all plane tickets are refunded. So to be sure, it is better to read the company's policies.

What Are Vueling Cancellation Policies?

Due to some reasons, if you want to cancel the Vueling Aerial flight. Then, you do not face any problem in canceling the flight or getting a refund from Vueling Airlines. There are ways by which you can cancel a Vueling flight. In this informational piece, you can get the different ways How to cancel a Vueling flight. There are also some Vueling Airline cancellation policies that help you cancel the flight and then get a refund from the Airline.

How can I cancel the Vueling Aerial flight?

To cancel the flight of Vueling Aérien, you can apply the methods of the official website of Aerienne and customer service of Vueling Aérien. These methods are explained in detail so that you can cancel the flights very simply.

Cancellation by Vueling's official website

  • On the first step, you need to open the official website of Vueling Aerial. vuelingairline.com. 
  • On the site, you must log in to the page with Vueling account information.  
  • Go to the 'manage reservation' options and open these options. 
  • Then fill in your reservation information like passenger name and ticket number. 
  • Select reservations to make cancellations.
  • Then click on the option to cancel. After making the cancellation you will get the option to request a refund.
  • Pay the flight cancellation fee and you will receive a flight cancellation confirmation from Vueling and your refund will be reached in your account within 21 days.    
  • You can also make Vueling Aerial flight cancellations through the Vueling Aerial app. 

How are Flight cancellations done via Vueling Aerial customer service?

  1. Dial the Vueling Aerienne customer service number which you can acquire from the official Aerienne website.
  2. After communicating with the Ariane live representative. 
  3. You need to give some necessary information to the representative and make a request to cancel your flight.
  4. While filling out the refund form, they also ask you to ask for a refund method.  
  5. In 21 days you will get your refund and you will also have to pay the fees for Aerienne representative assistance.

What are Vueling's flight cancellation policies?

Follow the Vueling Aerial Cancellation Policy through which you can make the Vueling Aerial flight cancellations.

  • You can cancel your flight free of charge within 24 hours of Vueling Aerial flight booking for refundable tickets or non-refundable tickets.  
  • If your ticket is booked through some unauthorized portals. Then you are not eligible to obtain reimbursement from Airline. 
  • If your flight is canceled by the Airline due to certain reasons then you are eligible to obtain reimbursement from the Airline.
  • If you cancel your trip due to certain emergencies. Then you have the chance to obtain reimbursement from the Airline, but you must give certain documents for this to the Airline.

How much is the fee to cancel the Vueling Aerial flight?

  1. If you have not canceled your flight within 24 hours of reservation. Then you are eligible to pay the fees to cancel the Vueling Aerial flight. Then there are certain fees which are fixed by the Aerial.
  2. Your cancellation fees depend on the flight price and the destination you flew to and from.
  3. You have to pay the cancellation fee of around 10-60 % of the total flight price.

Hope, by using the given information and procedures. You can cancel your Vueling Air flight and you can also get the solutions on Can I cancel a Vueling flight within 24 hours? In case, you have any confusion about this item. Then you can contact Vueling Aerial customer service.

Read More About Vueling Airlines here:-